Design of WLAN Adapter Device Driver(ADD) Based on ARM 基于ARM的无线网卡设备驱动设计
When you exchange the adapter, the existing device driver supports the adapter because it is of the same type. 当您调换适配器时,现在的设备驱动程序会支持此适配器,因为它是同类型的。
In this paper, it is described how to integrate rewritable optical disk drives with SCSI interface into environments using IBM PC compatible hardware and the MS-DOS operating system, and some guidelines of designs for SCCI host adapter hardware and its ROM BIOS and device driver are given. 本文讨论了把具有SCSI接口的可重写数据光盘机集成入DOS环境下的PC/AT兼容机中所要进行的工作;给出了SCSI适配器、ROMBIOS及设备驱动程序的设计原则和方法。
When the Belkin USB adapter is plugged in, the host controller device driver enumerates it. BelkinUSB适配器插入时,主机控制器设备驱动程序会枚举它。