In2006, the legislature started up legislative process of the unify of two corporation income tax law, this is the new page of China corporation income tax legislation. 2006年,备受关注的企业所得税两法合并工作终于进入立法进程,这标志着我国的企业所得税立法工作将翻开崭新的一页。
How to unify the economic goal and the community goal and make the corporation and the public get advantage together has been a new hotspot of ethic. 如何使广告的赢利目标与广告的其他社会性功能统一起来,做到企业与公众、社会的共赢,成为新时期广告理论和实践发展的趋势,也成为伦理学的一个新的关注点。
The structure of stock right unify determines the imperfection of corperation governing structure in country's independent corporation. 国有独资公司股权一元化结构决定了其公司治理结构的不完整性。