Singapore Airlines(SPAAF) is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports 据传,新加坡航空公司(SPAAF)正在争取签下两家机场的经营权。
China Southern Airlines, Singapore Airlines(SPAAF) and Japan Airlines are among those affected. 中国南航、新加坡航空和日本航空都在停飞令之列。
Singapore Airlines(SPAAF) hedges up to 60 per cent of its fuel requirement. 新加坡航空(SingaporeAirlines)将多达60%的燃油需求进行了对冲安排。
In business class, Singapore Airlines(SPAAF) is also raising the stakes. 在商务舱,新航也加大了筹码。
Singapore Airlines(SPAAF) is the world's fourth-largest international carrier and is perhaps the region's best-known brand around the world. 新加坡航空公司(SPAAF)是世界排名第四的国际航空公司,它或许是该地区最有名气的世界品牌了。