Remember the aurora attack on Google ( GOOG ), Juniper Networks(JNPR), Morgan Stanley ( MS ), and adobe ( ADBE )? 还记得针对谷歌(Google)、瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)、摩根士丹利(MS)(MorganStanley)以及Adobe(ADBE)的极光攻击行动(theAuroraattack)吗?
Juniper Networks(JNPR) ( jnpr ) - 3.4 18.瞻博网络–3.4
Juniper Networks(JNPR), in a statement, said it is not aware of any implants and the company takes ' allegations of this nature very seriously and are working to address any possible exploit paths. ' 瞻博网络在一份声明中称,公司并不知道任何后门软件植入的事情,公司非常严肃地对待此类传闻,并将堵住任何可能的入侵路径。