A trend of health care emerged in2002 after two books Getting on the Health Express(HEXS) and Health Tips of a famous expert Hong Zhaoguang were published. 2002年,著名健康教育专家洪昭光所著的《登上健康快车(HEXS)》、《健康忠告》等书相继问世,养生热潮初露端倪。
Nursing management of health express operation room 健康快车(HEXS)手术室护理管理
Both Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health express their opinions jointly, the opinions require that fund management must be the most important of the new rural cooperative work, and we must strengthen the management, protect the security of funds and improve capital performance. 财政部、卫生部联合印发意见,要求把基金管理作为新时期新农合工作的重中之重,切实加强管理,保障基金安全,提高基金使用绩效。
The Double Deck Health Express(HEXS) 双层健康快车(HEXS)
Reform riders from the Health Security Express told their personal stories during an event on the White House South Lawn. 在白宫南草坪某事件期间,来自卫生安全报的改革骑士们告诉了他们的个人经历。