Michael Griffin of the Corporate Executive Board(EXBD), a consultancy, said manufacturers were stress testing their plants and thinking about the same measures to stabilise their financial positions that they took in the downturn in 2008. 咨询公司组织执行委员会(CorporateExecutiveBoard)的迈克尔格里芬(MichaelGriffin)表示,许多制造商正在对自己的工厂进行压力测试,并考虑再次采取2008年衰退中采取过的措施,以稳定企业的财务状况。
Effective work-life benefits encourage employees to work harder and discourage them from quitting their jobs, according to research by the Corporate Executive Board(EXBD). 根据企业局的调查显示,有效的工作&生活福利会促使员工工作更加努力,并且这样他们就不会总是考虑辞职的事情。
Brian Kropp, a managing director at corporate executive board, says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries. 公司执行委员会(EXBD)(CorporateExecutiveBoard)常务董事布莱恩•克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。
The improper conduct goes unreported because people " fear retaliatory action, including losing their job, failing to get promoted, failing to get a bonus, " explains Thomas Monahan, chairman and CEO of corporate executive board. 不当行为未予上报,是因为人们“害怕遭到报复,害怕丢掉工作、失去晋升或获得奖金的机会,”公司执行委员会(EXBD)的董事长兼首席执行官托马斯•莫纳汉称。
The former system is also known as the single-committee system, which installs the Board of shareholders and none of the board of supervisors in the corporate governance institutions. Executive Board not only does business but also performs the functions of monitoring business performance. 前者又称为单层委员会制,是指公司治理机构设置股东大会和董事会,不设监事会。