From the take-off angle and friction factor of the ground, movement of legs during flight phase and the impact when landing, stability of robot is analyzed. 从起跳过程角度和摩擦力的影响,腾空阶段收腿的作用和落地后震荡情况等因素分析机器人的稳定性。
The relationships between flight and ovary development in cotton aphids was studied by yellow-basin trapping, ovary dissection, and measurement of size and take-off angle in Nanjing, China. 采用高空黄盆诱蚜、卵巢解剖、体型测量及起飞角度(TOA)测定方法研究了南京地区棉蚜飞行行为与卵巢发育间的关系。
The ground after take-off angle of the knee of maximum buffer is smaller than the domestic adult female 10 ° or more. 起跳过程中膝关节最大缓冲角偏小,比国内成年优秀女子跳远运动员小10°以上。
The surfaces of silica on silicon and germanium-rich silica studied by one of the non-destructive depth profilings, take-off angle dependent XPS. 通过改变XPS探测掠角,对硅表面的氧化层和富锗氧化硅表层薄膜样品进行非破坏性深度剖析测量,得到了有意义的结果。
Analysis on the properties of the relationship between time-delay and take-off angle 时延-角度特性研究