The development of real-time processing and displaying system for airborne particle measuring system 机载PMS粒子测量系统实时处理显示技术系统的研制
Development and application of new-generation airborne particle measuring system 新一代机载PMS粒子测量系统及应用
The structure, software, function and theory of the new generation airborne particle measuring system, as well as its application in weather modification, are described. 详细介绍新一代机载PMS粒子测量系统的组成结构、软件系统、各部分的工作原理及功能,并介绍该系统在人工影响天气中的应用情况。
Based on integrated analysis of the cloud data obtained by the particle measuring system ( PMS ) in 4 cases in Hebei Province, it is found that the stratiform clouds of precipitation in spring are inhomogeneous, in which there exist cloud bands of severe precipitation. 对4架次飞行个例的PMS资料进行综合分析,发现河北省春季层状云降水系统存在不均匀性,表现之一为较强降水云带。
Based on artificial rain enhancement airplane and Particle Measuring System(PMS) ( PMS ) the precipitation cloud microphysical features have been largely studied during the spring artificial rain enhancement in Qinghai. 利用人工增雨飞机和机载PMS粒子探测系统,对高原东部地区春季人工增雨主要降水云层的微物理结构进行大量探测研究。