Daily average maximum allowable concentration 日平均最高容许浓度
According to the National Soil Environmental Quality Standard of China for non-pollution vegetables, the Hg concentration in48 % of the soil samples was above its maximum allowable concentration. 公路剖面土壤48%样品汞含量超过了国家无公害蔬菜基地土壤汞含量标准。
Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in atmosphere for protection crops GB9137-1988保护农作物的大气污染物最高允许浓度
The results show that the contents in 8 houses exceed the maximum allowable concentration of the formaldehyde ( 0.10 mg / m ~ 3 ), which is prescribed in the quality criterion of indoor air GB / T18883-2002. 结果表明,有8户住宅超过了我国室内空气质量标准GB/T18883-2002规定的甲醛最高容许质量浓度0.10mg/m3。
Based on the thermochemical test, the maximum allowable concentration of salt in boiler water that ensures qualified steam of the unit, is determined. 由热化学试验确定了保证机组蒸汽品质合格的炉水极限含盐量;