Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) rules require airports to study the risks of wildlife to safe airport operations. 联邦航空局的规定要求各机场研究野生生物的撞击的危险以使机场能够安全的运行。
The Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) said people had rightly questioned its ability to ensure safety. 联邦航空局表示,人们恰当地质疑了该部门确保乘客安全的能力。
The sticker was a violation of Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) rules, according to the airline. 贴,是违反了联邦航空管理局(FAA)的规则,根据该航空公司。
The United States Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) says most large passenger planes now use HEPA filters. 美国联邦航空局说现在绝多数大型客机使用高效微粒空气过滤器。
The US Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) has issued draft regulations for pilots and passengers participating in privately run space ventures. 美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)近日公布了用于规范私人太空游的法规草案。