He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax. 他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。
He called for the reform of capital gains tax. 他呼吁进行资本收益税改革。
Securities tax systems deal with securities indirect tax, securities investment income tax and securities capital gains tax. 证券税制包含证券流转税、证券投资所得税和证券交易利得税等税种。
They are used to paying only capital gains tax on carried interest but ought to be paying income tax. 他们习惯于对附带权益只缴纳资本利得税(CGT),但他们应该缴纳所得税。
Hong Kong does not impose a capital gains tax on property or share-trading profits. 香港并不针对房地产或股票交易利润征收资本增值税。