Other names for belladonna include devil's herb and deadly nightshade. 颠茄(BELL)的其他名称还包括魔鬼药草和致命的茄属植物。
11.And a passionate kiss has the same effect as belladonna in making our pupils dilate. 11.一个深情的吻可以和颠茄(BELL)(一种有毒植物)一样让人的瞳孔扩大。
The deliberate or accidental ingestion of belladonna alkaloids or other classes of drugs with atropinic properties is a major cause of poisonings. 故意或意外服用颠茄(BELL)生物碱或其它具有阿托品的药物是中毒的主要原因。
Of prior belladonna medication may help to confirm the diagnosis. 茄类药物的服用史可能有助于确定诊断。
The most important contribution from Belladonna(BELL) is atropine which is an important agent that is useful in dilating the pupils of the eye. 最重要的贡献是从颠茄(BELL)阿托品这是一项重要的代理人,是有用的扩张学生的眼睛。