Conclusion : Despite the use of less restrictive criteria, no brace, and early activity as tolerated, the results are similar to those obtained with more restrictive protocols. 结论:尽管在病例选择的标准上比较宽松,治疗不用支具固定及早期活动,但其结果与采用严格的治疗记录的病例相似。
Traditional tumor chemotherapy is generally known as the maximum tolerated dose therapy using a longer time interval ( eg 2-3 weeks ) administration to ensure that human normal tissues in the interval between administrations could recover. 传统的肿瘤化疗方案一般是采用最大耐受剂量间隔较长时间(如2-3周)给药,以确保人体正常组织在给药间隔期间得以适当的修复。
A certain portion of his time was passed at cambridge, where he read with undergraduates as a sort of tolerated smuggler who drove a contraband trade in European languages, instead of conveying Greek and Latin through the custom-house. 他把一部分时间花在剑桥,在那儿教本科生读法语。他仿佛是一个受到宽容的走私贩子,不是经过海关检验进口希腊文和拉丁文,而是贩卖欧洲语言的私货。
Since then, the bundled discount is no longer a simple form of price competition, while there may be a means to the abuse of a dominant market position, as the anti-monopoly law will not be tolerated. 从此以后,捆绑折扣不再是一种单纯的价格竞争形式,而有可能被看作是企业滥用市场支配地位的手段,为反垄断法所不容。
In that company, as in countless others, bribery was not only tolerated. It was cool. 就像不计其数的其它公司一样,在这家公司,人们不仅容忍行贿行为,而且觉得这很酷。