Most of International Law Firm and Accounting Firm was located in British Virgin Islands, such as MAPLES AND CALDER and HARNEY, but only few Bank and Financial Firm in British Virgin Islands. 开曼群岛是加勒比海地区的主要金融中心,有超过五百八十四间持牌银行和信讬公司。世界最具规模的会计师行都在开曼群岛设立办事处,亦有不少著名的律师事务所到当地开业。
The Chinese money round trips out of and then back into China, through Hong Kong or tax havens, such as the British Virgin Islands, to secure the tax break. 中国资金进行着往返旅行,通过香港或英属维京群岛(BritishVirginIslands)等避税天堂流出再流回中国,以获得税收优惠。