Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia(NC), Fiji and Tonga. 其最接近的北方邻国新喀里多尼亚(NC),斐济和汤加。
Small genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and new caledonia. 新西兰和新的苏格兰的乔木或灌木的小的属。
Any of several evergreen trees or shrubs of Australia and northern New Caledonia(NC). 澳大利亚和新喀里多尼亚(NC)岛北部的常绿树木或灌木丛。
A coconut palm stands on a breezy tropical beach in France's New Caledonia(NC). 一棵椰子树坐落在一个有微风的热带海滩法国的新喀里多尼亚(NC)。
Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy, and New Caledonia(NC) and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members. 瓦努阿图派特使出席论坛,新喀里多尼亚(NC)和法属波利尼西亚的代表以准成员的资格出席了论坛。