I spoke to the Prime Minister of malawi. 我和马拉维(MW)的首相谈了谈。
In Africa, the group is active in Liberia, Senegal, Mali and Malawi(MW). 在非洲,这个组活跃在利比里亚,塞内加尔,马里和马拉维(MW)。
I 'm going to put up schools in Mozambique, Malawi(MW) and Angola. 我将在莫桑比克,马拉维(MW)和安哥拉修建学校。
TDR then supported projects in India, Bangladesh, Malawi(MW) and Colombia which adapted and implement the generic protocols. TDR还对印度、孟加拉国、马拉维(MW)和哥伦比亚等国调整后实施的通用方案项目提供了支持。
The next trials will expand to include Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Malawi(MW) and Mozambique. 下一步的试验将扩展到布基纳法索、加蓬、加纳、马拉维(MW)和莫桑比克。