The Church in Haiti(HT) has played an important role in the drive towards democracy. 海地(HT)的教会在争取民主的运动中扮演了重要的角色。
The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti(HT) and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government 法国政府对海地(HT)政变表示谴责,并要求恢复合法政府的地位。
Mr Balaguer is deploying more soldiers along his country's porous border with Haiti(HT) 巴拉格尔先生正向本国和海地(HT)之间驻守不严的边界部署更多的士兵。
She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti(HT). 她开始说海地(HT)克里奥尔语。
Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti(HT) was abating 马尔科姆海军上尉说她没有发现人们大批逃离海地(HT)有减缓的迹象。