The research advance of purifying wet-process phosphoric acid with solvent extraction method was introduced. 介绍了溶剂萃取净化湿法磷酸(E338)的研究进展情况。
The availability and cost of sulfuric acid are highly important factors in the production of wet-process phosphoric acid. 硫酸的货源和价格都是湿法磷酸(E338)生产中极为重要的因素。
The tricalcium phosphate constituent is converted to phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate. ph.1.【化】次磷酸(E338)磷酸(E338)三钙组分转化成为磷酸(E338)和硫酸钙。
Carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid. 加水果糖浆和少许磷酸(E338)的碳酸饮料。
The monoester, disester and phosphoric acid in dodecyl phosphate were determined by potentiometric titration. 采用电位滴定法测定了十二烷基磷酸(E338)酯中单酯、双酯、磷酸(E338)的含量。