The content of lycopene in tomato oleoresin was determined by HPLC. 采用HPLC法研究了番茄油树脂中番茄红素(E160D)的测定方法。
The extraction process of lycopene with tomato skin as raw material has been studied. 以番茄皮为原料,对其中番茄红素(E160D)的提取工艺进行了研究。
Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene(E160D) reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. 科学的研究表明,番茄红素(E160D)降低了风险,前列腺癌和心脏病的人。
This is because tomatoes contain a high concentration of a substance called lycopene, which is an antioxidant. 这是因为番茄中含有高浓度的番茄红素(E160D),是一种抗氧化剂。
Tomatoes are high in content of a substance called lycopene which is found in many red fruits and vegetables. 在西红柿中含有一种很高的叫做蕃茄素的物质,它在很多红色的蔬菜和水果中均有发现。