The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma. 单词“dram”用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。
The Greek drachma, the Irish punt, the Portuguese Escudo, the Spanish peseta, the Italian lira and, maybe, the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark. 希腊德拉克马(GRD)、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。
By Monday, all corporate and personal savings in Greek banks will be denominated in drachma. 从周一起,所有企业和个人在希腊银行的存款都改为德拉克马计价。
Mr Smallwood discusses an interim period of high interest rates to encourage Greek deposits to stay put, reinforced by lender-of-last-resort drachma credits from the Greek central bank. 斯莫尔伍德对实行高利率的过渡时期进行了讨论,此举旨在鼓励保持希腊储蓄,作为最后贷款者的希腊央行的德拉克马(希腊本币)信贷将加强这点。