Under the gold standard your dollar bill represented so many ounces of gold and you were supposed to be able to always get that gold. 在金本位制度下,你的纸币表示着,很多盎司的金子,并且你可以一直兑换那些金子。
Price expectations have until now helped gold miners be more optimistic about reserves and to include ounces they would formerly not have been able to mine profitably. 之前,在价格预期的驱使下,金矿开采商对储量更为乐观,并且在储量报告中加入了先前无法盈利开采的储量。
There is a historical relationship were at certain points in time the gold and the Dow trade at a1:1 or a2:1 ratio, where one or two ounces of gold can purchase the Dow. 从黄金与道琼斯指数的比历史关系来看,他们的比迟早会回到1:1或2:1的比率,这表明1盎司或2盎司可以购买道琼斯指数。