A republic ( under United States protection ) on the Marshall Islands(MH). 位于马绍尔群岛(MH)上的一个在美国保护下的共和国。
I 'm also aware that we have consul generals for Australia, Japan, the Philippines, Micronesia and Marshall Islands(MH), and of course, President Greenwood of this university. 我也知道在座的还有澳大利亚、日本、菲律宾、密克罗尼西亚和马歇尔群岛的总领事,当然还有这所大学的校长格林伍德(Greenwood)。
An atoll in the western Marshall Islands(MH) that was used as a Japanese air and naval base during World War II. 马歇尔群岛西部的一个环礁,二战中是日本的空军和海军基地。